Moving, Not Moving


February 27, 2017

We just got the transfer roster today. After careful review I  discovered that I am still in Fielding!!!


I am so glad for still be here. I love the Fielding stake the members are really great and there are a bunch of potential here in this stake.  It has been a bit of a change from North Ogden East’s tiny one square mile area, and the huge mountain to mountain area of fielding, but I have truly enjoyed it so  much here.  I have huge hopes for this area, and really want to give my all to help this area.

I will have a new companion. His name is Elder Passey. I don’t know much about him, but I’m excited to get to work with him.  Hopefully we can both work together on making fielding a great area.

In other news, we are moving apartments again.  If you remember I moved last week, so it is very odd to me that I am moving apartments again, without moving areas.

Regards from Elder Brown.

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